Short and medium term requirements for and usage of fishmeal and oilcake
(updated 20 February 2019)

Table 1
Fishmeal and Oilcake balance sheet   (2015/2016-2017/2018) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
Requirements / Sales 20 000 20 000 12 000 1 678 146 1 831 710 1 889 386
Available / Produced 78 000 78 000 70 000 1 090 900 1 267 469 1 499 534
Shortage / Imports -58 000 -58 000 -58 000 587 246 564 241 389 852

2017/2018 – Estimate
Source: Fishing industry

Table 2
Fishmeal and Oilcake usage   (2015/2016-2017/2018) (April-March)
  Fishmeal (ton) Oilcake (ton)
Year 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
AFMA Members 12 178 11 856 12 676 1 315 436 1 391 516 1 391 516
Non-AFMA Members 7 822 8 144 7 324 516 274 497 870
Total 20 000 20 000 20 000 1 678 146 1 831 710 1 889 386

Source: AFMA website
2017/2018 – Estimate
Non-AMFA members figures can also include unused stocks.

Table 3
The Main Raw Material usage by AFMA-members   (2015/2016-2017/2018) (April-March)
  Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%) Total (ton) Inclusion rate (%)
Raw Materials 2015/2016 2016/2017 2018/2019
Sunflower oilcake 308 633 4.58 301 513 4.30 309 080 4.67
Groundnut oilcake 573 0.03 0 0.01 0 0.00
Soya oilcake 936 283 12.78 866 555 13.03 869 241 13.14
Full fat soya 72 415 1.17 87 510 1.01 163 992 2.48
Cottonseed oilcake 8 888 0.32 10 033 0.12 4 307 0.07
Full fat cottonseed 7 845 0.16 10 852 0.11 9 921 0.15
Canola oilcake 38 109 0.37 29 160 0.53 24 815 0.38
Full fat canola 546 0.00 640 0.00 853 0.00
Copra and Palm kernel 11 568 0.36 8 720 0.16 5 184 0.08
Maize germ oilcake 843 0.02 453 0.01 1 185 0.02
Total oilcake 1 385 703 19.79 1 315 436 19.29 1 391 516 21.04
Total maize products 3 595 160 51.69 3 363 649 50.05 3 354 517 50.71
Total fishmeal 12 178 0.31 11 856 0.17 13 360 0.20
Feed 6 908 424   6 322 188   6 614 761  

Source: AFMA website
AFMA raw material usage April 2018 to October 2018.
* Note: total oilcake in Table 3 include all oilcake and not only specific oilcake items listed in Table 3.

Table 4
Fishmeal: local production and imports   (2015/2016-2018/2019) (April-March)
  Local (RSA + Namibia) Fishmeal production (ton) Imported Fishmeal (ton)
Year 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
RSA 62 000 64 600 90 000 90 000
Namibia ¹ 13 000 13 000 0 0
Total 75 000 77 600 90 000 90 000 0 0 0

Source: AFMA; SA Fishmeal Marketing Company

Table 5
Oilcake: local production and imports   (2016/2017-2018/2019)
Local Oilcake production (ton) Imported Oilcake (ton)
Year 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
Groundnuts oilcake 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sunflower oilcake 264 279 333 569 342 000 0 0 0
Soya cake 647 754 676 400 820 800 552 246 553 000 380 000
  – Full fat 94 769 145 000 220 000
Cotton cake 9 000 1 946 0
  – Full fat 19 098 50 000 60 000 11 000 295 0
Canola 51 000 52 500 46 734 0 0 0
Lupins 14 000 10 000 10 000 0 0 0
Copra and Palm kernel 15 000 9 000 9 852
Total 1 090 900 1 267 469 1 499 534 587 246 564 241 389 852

Source: SAGIS
2017/2018 – Estimate
The projected local production figures for soya and cotton reflect full fat and oilcake.
South African Supply and Demand Estimate Report NAMC February 2019.