
Minutes of the Canola work group meeting
held on 13 June 2024 at Agrohub, Welgevallen Experimental Farm, Stellenbosch

  1. Opening

    A moment of silence was observed.

  2. Welcome

    The Chairperson welcomed all present.

  3. Attendance


    Mr AP Theron Chairperson
    Mr R Badenhorst Overberg Agri
    Mr K Blanckenberg Grain SA
    Mr P Blom AECI
    Mr J Botes Agricol
    Dr E Briedenhann OAC
    Mr J Bruwer Bayer
    Mr A Carstens Apeiro AG
    Mr D Coetzee Lima Grain
    Dr I Crous Omnia
    Mr S de Wet Lima Grain
    Ms M Du Preez PRF
    Mr A Erasmus Inteligro
    Mr J Jacobs Agricol
    Mr J Kellerman Barenbrug SA
    Ms K Truter BFAP
    Prof S Lamprecht ARC-PPRI
    Ms S Lureman Overberg Agri
    Prof F Meyer BFAP
    Mr F le Roux GSA
    Mr C Müller Agricol
    Mr D Moore SOILL
    Dr D Mostert US
    Mr C Nel Overberg Agri
    Mr J Pyper SOILL
    Mr R Riet US
    Mr R Schoeman Pioneer
    Ms HM Schreuder US
    Mr Z Spammer SOILL
    Prof J Strauss DAWC
    Mr G Steyn SSK
    Prof PA Swanepoel PRF
    Ms M van Deventer US
    Mr N van der Merwe Barenbrug SA
    Ms C Viljoen US
    Mr D Viljoen Advanta Seeds


    Mr Z Folscher US
    Mr G Keun PRF
    Mr A le Roux DAWC
    Mr C Louw GSA
    Mr P Lombard DAWC
    Ms L Nowers DAWC
    Mr J Smith YARA
    Ms L Smorenburg DAWC
    Dr G van Coller DAWC
    Ms A Swanepoel DAWC
  4. Personalia

    No personal matters were reported.

  5. Confirmation of the agenda

    The agenda was approved without any additions or amendments.

  6. Approval of minutes

    1. Minutes of a Canola Working Group meeting held on 14 February 2024


      1. That the minutes of the meeting of the Canola Working Group, held on 14 February 2024, be approved.
  7. General overview and crop estimates

    1. SAGIS information

      The contents of the latest SAGIS Weekly Bulletin and the latest Monthly Bulletin, Annexure B, were noted. Cognisance was taken that this and other data were published on the SAGIS website.

    2. Crop estimates

      Cognisance was taken of the Crop Estimate Committee's information included in the Agenda as Annexure C.

    3. Winter rainfall region

      1. Swartland

        Mr Blanckenberg provided feedback and mentioned that some producers started planting early. It was mentioned that producers planted on 10 April, others on 15 April and later from 20 April to 2 June. Very little rain fell in the area. At some sites Canola germinated, and others not. No more Canola was planted than last year, due to the availability of seed. Some of the Canola cultivars that were available, were unknown.

      2. Southern Cape

        Mr Le Roux reported and mentioned that planting started on 4 April in the Southern Cape. He also referred to the following:

        • Problems with the availability of seed;
        • 150 hectares planted with retained seed;
        • Good moisture with optimal conditions;
        • Canola looked good with healthy leaves;
        • No Blackleg or Sclerotinia infections; and
        • Challenges with snails.
    4. Summer rainfall region

      1. Eastern Cape

        1. DSI / TIA: Canola Trials

          Prof Swanepoel reported that it had been the third year of cultivar trials in the Eastern Cape, with the same cultivars planted at two localities by the University of Stellenbosch in collaboration with Fort Hare University. At one of the localities, the yield was between 2 and 3 tonnes per hectare and at the other locality about 1,5 to 2 tonnes per hectare. Long growers were planted and achieved better results. In the particular year, there was expansion, for the first time, to the Elliot and Ugie areas where additional cultivar trials were planted at commercial farms in cooperation with the Eastern Cape Department of Agriculture (DALLRD), DSI and TIA.

          It was reported that 100 ha of Canola was planted under irrigation at Cookhouse, with Canola also under irrigation at Humansdorp.

      2. Other

        The Chairperson referred to Canola plantings at Bothaville and Marble Hall, as well as the Springbokvlakte.

        Prof Lambrecht referred to trials planted in Natal by the Department of Agriculture. The trials were planted in a rotation system where Wheat was replaced with Canola and there was a 15% increase in yield with Maize.

        Mr Viljoen referred to the enquiries received from Prieska, Douglas and Hopetown in the Northern Cape, as well as from Reitz and Bethlehem in the Free State. The questions relate to Canola planting and whether it would help with disease control. Canola was planted under irrigation and feedback about yields would be available in October/November.

    5. Price information

      Dr Briedenhann provided feedback and mentioned that the whole oilseeds complex improved in the world in terms of retained stock. Harvests look very good, especially with soya. From America it also looks very good, leading to a reasonable reduction in prices. China stopped buying American Soybeans and this resulted in reduced prices too. Turkey stopped importing Wheat for four months. The Canola price in Canada had been reduced by almost 20% in the past year and Canola was exported to Europe where, due to weather conditions, the product was required. The other aspect influencing prices in that part of the world was the oil used for bio-diesel. The demand for Canola remains very high and it maintains steady prices.

    6. Weather forecast

      The meeting noted that the matter would be held in abeyance until a suitable person could be identified to assist and provide future reports at the Canola Working Group meetings.

      Prof Swanepoel referred to the South African Weather Service's website offering a seasonal weather forecast for the new season.

  8. Research

    1. National cultivar trials 2024

      Prof Strauss provided brief feedback about Mr Lombard's trials.

      • All trials were planted;
      • Swartland was late and the first leaves were forming at the time of the meeting;
      • In the Southern Cape the flowers were opening;
      • New cultivars were included in the trials;
      • 29 Elite cultivars were planted; and
      • Overall the trials looking good.
    2. Research projects: 2024/2025

      The meeting noted the project schedules included in the agenda as Annexure D.

    3. Sclerotinia

      Ms Van Deventer referred to her Sclerotinia project and mentioned the following matters:

      • Langgewens where pathogen data was being obtained;
      • The role of climate and micro-climate in the hope of preparing predictions;
      • The testing of trial types to multiply spores;
      • The inclusion of a stem spray trial at Tygerhoek and Riversdale, including measuring yields; and
      • The data processing for the previous season was underway and results would be shared.
    4. Damage: Clethodim

      The Chairperson mentioned that there were few reports of Clethodim damage during wet seasons. He said it was an ongoing matter and continued awareness was important.

    5. Blackleg

      The activities of Dr Van Coller, Ms Nowers and Mr Lombard at Riversdale, spraying for blackleg, were mentioned. Dr Mostert said that many Blackleg infections were observed during the year. Ms H Schreuder was preparing her PhD thesis. The data would be used to see how the Blackleg population appears in South Africa, followed by a publication about the matter. Mr Folscher was conducting blackleg measurements on retained seed. The data would be used to see the effects of blackleg development on retained seed. The information was to be published in the form of popular articles, as well as a scientific article.

      The Chairperson referred to the necessary discussions to be held with the chemical industry.


      1. That Mr Keun be requested to obtain information about the "Green Deal", to follow up and keep the Working Group informed.

        Mr Keun
        Canola Working Group

    6. Fertilisation

      (Resolutions 8.5.1 and 8.6.1 of the minutes of the Canola Working Group held on 14/02/24)

      The Chairperson mentioned that there was insecurity about and many questions regarding fertilisation and fertilisers. Mr Smith was requested to do a presentation about the fertiliser industry, their vision and the road ahead at the next Canola Working Group meeting.


      1. That Mr Smith be requested to do a presentation about the fertiliser industry, their vision and the road ahead at the next Canola Working Group meeting.

        Mr Keun
        Canola Working Group

  9. Technology transfer

    1. Canolafokus

      The meeting noted the articles published in CanolaFokus, included in the agenda as Annexure D.

    2. Information days 2024

      The meeting noted that the following information days were scheduled for 2024:

      9th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture 22-25 July 2024
      Riversdale Information Day 22 August 2024
      SKOG 29 August 2024
      Hopefield Information Day 30 August 2024
    3. Videos

      No new information was reported.

    4. Oilseeds Focus

      The Chairperson reported that the Oilseeds Focus was available on the PRF web page. The new edition of the Oilseeds Focus would be available in June 2024.

    5. Articles about Canola

      The meeting noted the contents of the Canola related articles included as Annexure E, in the agenda.

  10. Other

    1. The canola market

      The matter was discussed under a previous discussion point.

    2. Canola producers

      1. Price and back payments

        The back payments by SOILL in April were referred to, with a mention of possible payments in September.

      2. Income and Cost Budgets

        No new information was reported.

    3. SKOG

      The Chairperson mentioned that the SKOG Day will be held on 29 August 2024.

    4. Alternative Crops

      1. Lupins

        The Chairperson referred to a new lupin cultivar, Coyote, included in the trials showing good results. He also mentioned that other alternative crops should be considered.

    5. Chemicals and Resistance

      The Chairperson referred to the current communication from CropLife regarding chemicals and stressed the fact that producers must be informed of the registered chemicals.

  11. Seed

    1. Seed availability

      The seed companies provided feedback and mentioned challenges:

      • Importing seed per ship vs. flights;
      • Local seed production;
      • GMO;
      • Tolerance levels; and
      • Retained seed.

      The correct seed, sufficient seed and availability at the right time should be addressed.

    2. Seed germination

      No new information was reported.

    3. SACTA

      No new information was reported.

  12. Speakers considered for future Canola Meetings

    • Mr J Smith – Fertilisation;
    • Dr D Mostert – Triazine Tolerant; and
    • Ms C Viljoen – Weed control.
  13. Dates for future meetings

    The next meeting was scheduled for 22 August 2024.

  14. Adjournment

    There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.